
I started my podcasting journey with creating my first ever podcast Girl with a camera back in 2020. I’ve always enjoyed trying new things, especially when it comes to audio and video. I already had a YouTube channel, so I thought, why not start my own podcast? As a videographer, I already had the equipment and skills to make it happen. That’s also why I created an online course for anyone who feels overwhelmed and confused about what they need and where to start. Trust me, in just 120 minutes, I explain everything from A to Z.

Do it for fun, business comes later!

When I began, my podcast was primarily for fun. I had no business intentions behind it. It all started as a teenage dream of having my own radio show where I could interview celebrities. Of course, I couldn’t land any celebrities right away, but having someone who worked on the famous music video for “Human” by The Killers is pretty cool, especially for a millennial! I also managed to interview a director whose films made it into the top 10 on Netflix, and an actor who worked with Tom Hanks, Tom Hardy, and Michael Fassbender. Enough bragging!


Beyond celebrities, I realized that podcasting connected me with people from all over the world—people who weren’t just successful but were also passionate, just like me. Podcasting offers long conversations, and I always tried to make them fun while keeping things professional. It’s surprising how you can meet someone online (though I’ve done some face-to-face interviews too!) and, after an hour of intelligent conversation, feel like you could become friends! And if not friends, perhaps future business collaborators.

As I improved at interviewing, I left a good impression on my guests, which led to long-lasting relationships online. In other words, we genuinely stayed in touch. At least half of my guests still keep in contact with me. We help each other with projects, meet for coffee, discuss business, and exchange advice. This is the easiest and highest-quality networking you can get.

How to get leads with your podcast?

If you’re looking to connect with potential clients, why not start a podcast and invite them as guests? You don’t have to sell them anything. Simply present what you do, get on their radar, and build a relationship. They might hire you in the future because they’ll remember your thoughtful conversation and will keep in touch.

After my initial phase of podcasting about filmmaking, I shifted my focus to business-related topics. Based on the increasing interest, I realized that podcasting is an excellent marketing tool. It’s also a great way to learn from experts without paying for their consultations! It’s a win-win because I work hard to promote my guests all over Google and social media with clips and blogs from each episode.


For example, when I wanted to learn more about trading, I invited brokers onto my podcast. When I wanted to lose weight, I interviewed a fitness trainer. If I needed inspiration, I called up musicians. For potential clients, I reached out to entrepreneurs and startup owners—the list goes on.

I’m still in touch with most of these connections. I can’t count the number of times they’ve referred me to someone who needed my consulting or videography services. Recommending me was easy for them because I had already built trust through our interactions. They saw that I was professional, skilled, knowledgeable, and fun to work with.

Instead of spending hours on email marketing and chasing leads, I let the leads come to me by doing something I enjoy!

Of course, this strategy won’t work if your podcast isn’t consistent, of good quality, clear in its direction, and confidently executed. Promotion on social media is essential, and I’d suggest doing a video version of your podcast to make the biggest impact. It’s easier than you think! However, if you want to start small, audio is a great beginning, and you can always upgrade to video later. For more details, check out the online course I mentioned!

Let me give you some common mistakes as a teaser: It’s okay to have a small budget for promotion, and it’s fine if you don’t have many listeners at first. You’re mostly doing this for the networking, to establish yourself in the B2B space. Listeners come second, and you can grow that audience through free tactics like optimizing your podcast for search engines, blogging with backlinks, and posting on social media. If you have the budget, you can also explore paid promotion on social platforms and Google.


One of the biggest mistakes is trying to kiss up to your guests to thank them for their time. Don’t do it—unless you want to work with people who like being flattered. I prefer honesty and directness with my clients, business partners, and friends. Asking challenging questions (be sure to inform your guests about this in advance and get their approval).

Don’t hesitate to express a different opinion or analyze a topic rather than just nodding in agreement. Your guests will appreciate that you’re thinking critically and courageously diving into the subject.

I’ve worked with many CEOs and industry leaders, and most of them immediately respect you if you’re not afraid to share your opinion or challenge them in a professional way. That doesn’t mean you should offend them, of course. And if you’re doing a video podcast, I highly recommend my How to Talk to a Camera Like a Pro course. I’ve poured a lot of time and effort into these courses because I know they’ll help you, which is why I’m confident in promoting them. I also offer 30 days of post-purchase email support for any questions.

Let’s be honest—you probably won’t become the next Joe Rogan or Steven Bartlett (if you do, please contact me and refer to this blog!). But you can start your own podcast to build your personal brand among your customers and potential clients.

Not to mention, it’s pretty cool and impressive when you can tell someone, “I have my own podcast.” And again, if you’re worried it will cost a fortune or you don’t know where to start, get my online course!


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